



1.A) Spending their holidays in a novel way.
2. D) He once owned a van.
3. A) Generate their own electricity.
4.C) Enjoying the freedom to choose where to go and work.
5. C) Her job performance has worsened over the past month.
6.B) Some problems at home
7. B) The woman's work proficiency.
8. C) The woman will be off work on the next two Mondays.
9. D) It can enable us to live a healthier and longer life.
10.B) The spouse's level of education can impact one'shealth.
11.A) They had more education than their spouses.
12.C) Forecasting flood risks accurately.
13.D) To improve his mathematical flooding model.
14.A) To forecast rapid floods in real time.
15.B) They set up Internet-connected water-level sensors.
16.B) To argue about the value of a college degree.
17.D) The factor of wages.
18.A) The sharp decline in marriage among men with no college degrees.
19.C) More and more people prioritize animal welfare when buying things to wear.
20.D)Avoided the use of leather and fur.
21.A)Whether they can be regarded as ethical.
22.D) The era we live in is the most peaceful in history.
23.C) They believed the world was deteriorating.
24.B) Our psychological biases.
25.A) Paying attention to negative information.



开头:The desert is deceiving. At first glance it is.....

答案速查: 26-30DAFCB 31-35NLHMO

26. D flat

27. A apt

28. F overflowing

29.C extremes

30.B burning

31. N synonymous

32. L stimulate

33. H probably

34. M sturdy

35. O unique


标题:Treasure Fever

答案速查:36-40 FBIDG

41-45 LCJEK

36.[F] Exploration of shipwrecks on the sea floor is crucial in updating our understanding of humanity’

s past.

37.[B] Quite a number of majestic ships sailing from Europe to America were wrecked off the

Florida coast over the centuries.

38. [1] Pritchett suffered a heavy loss when a US district court ruled against him.

39.[D] Recently, people who found treasures in shipwrecks have been sued over their rights to

own them.

40.[G] Pritchett claims he got support of millions of dollars from investors for his ship wreck


41 [L] One pioneer marine scientist thinks archaeologists should make greater efforts to publish

their findings.

42.[C] With technological advancement in recent years, salvors now can detect the invaluable

man-made objects lying buried under the sea.

43. [J] According to a lawyer, many treasure hunters are susceptible to loss because they are

unaware they face a financially stronger opponent in court.

44.[E] Salvors of treasures in sunken ships and marine archaeologists are now hostile to each


45. [K] Archaeologists want to see artifacts help humans understand their past instead of being

sold to private collectors at an outrageous price.

Passage One


46. C) She has refrained from using social media.

47. C) Most people can hardly get by without the Internet due to growing digitization.

48. D) Most families in the UK do not have stable broadband connections.

49. B) They help many people feel connected with others.

50. A) Having access to the Internet.

Passage Two

答案速查: 51-55 DDCBD

51. D) The impact of competition.

52. D) Satisfy their own desires while observing social conventions.

53. C) It is free from the rational intervention of humans.

54. B) Struggles for survival do not exclude mutual support.

55. D)People’ s attitude towards competition is actually culture-bound.

As China is facing an ageing society,there is awidespread concern over the issue of elderly care.What kind of care model for the elderly should beadopted is the most debated topic.The majorityof?people believe that the care model for the elderlyshould be diversified.More and better elderly serviceinstitutions can be established,community servicecentres can be improved,and self-care for theelderly at home can be encouraged through government guidance and social participation.It isalso possible to promote a model of the elderly thatcombines family and social care.The continuousincrease in government and social investment inservices for the elderly witlbring further improvements in care facilities,gradual enhancements in the quality of services and a moreconvenient and comfortable life with health andhiness for the elderly.

With their valuable skills and experiences,elderly people can continue to make significant contributions to society.This view is accepted by more and more citizens as they wit-ness firsthand the capabilities of these experienced individ-uals.
First of all,the older generation,especially highly skilled workers,is still irreplaceable for jobs that require extensive skills and expertise.Without them,it is highly possible that work quality and efficiency will be seriously affected.In ad-dition,these senior citizens play a significant role in trainingor cultivating the young generation by passing down their valuable skills and experiences.Young people,benefiting from this mentorship,can directly contribute to their organi-zations and country.Finally,the elderly can even be part of think tanks,offering precious advice or suggestions to the management teams of firms or to the government,thus pro-moting development.
Therefore,recognizing the significance of elderly people and encouraging their active participation in society is cru-cial,rather than merely viewing them as individuals who should retire from active life.








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