22日的英文是: the twenty second day 、twenty-second,也可以缩写为22nd。twenty表示20,second是表示第二的意思。
1日: first (1st)
2日: second (2nd)
3日: third (3rd)
4日: fourth (4th)
5日: fifth (5th)
6日: sixth (6th)
7日: seventh (7th)
8日: eighth (8th)
9日: ninth (9th)
10日: tenth (10th)
11日: eleventh (11th)
12日: twelfth (12th)
13日: thirteenth (13th)
14日: fourteenth (14th)
15日: fifteenth (15th)
16日: sixteenth (16th)
17日: seventeenth (17th)
18日: eighteenth (18th)
19日: nineteenth (19th)
20日: twentieth (20th)
21日: twenty-first (21st)
22日: twenty-second (22nd)
23日: twenty-third (23rd)
24日: twenty-fourth (24th)
25日: twenty-fifth (25th)
1.The only gift Elena mentionedin her diary about her 22nd birthdayis Yulya' spresent,a pair of diamond earrings.
2.On April 22nd next year, Earth Day will celebrate its 50th anniversary.
6.中南林业科技大学涉外学院是985还是211 含金量怎么样