a few+可数名词复数,a little+不可数名词。“a few,a little”在句式当中表肯定含义,译为“有一些,有一点”。举例:She has a few friends.她有一些朋友。There is a little milk in the glass.杯子里还有一点水。
1. 数量性质的区别
a few: 指可数名词的少量,强调数量的“少”,但并非完全没有。例如,"I have a few friends."(我有几个朋友。)表示朋友的数量不多,但至少有两个人。
a little: 指不可数名词的少量,强调数量的“少”,但并非完全没有。例如,"I need a little milk."(我需要一点牛奶。)表示需要的牛奶量不多,但并非完全不需要。
2. 用法上的区别
a few: 通常用于可数名词的复数形式。
a little: 通常用于不可数名词。
3. 强调程度的区别
a few: 强调数量上的“少”,但仍然表示有一定数量。
a little: 强调数量上的“少”,并且可能意味着数量非常少。
4. 例句对比
为了更好地理解 "a few" 和 "a little" 的区别,我们可以看一些例句:
a few:
I have a few questions. (我有几个问题。)
There are a few books on the table. (桌子上有几本书。)
I need a few minutes to finish this task. (我需要几分钟来完成这项任务。)
a little:
I have a little time to spare. (我有一点时间可以空出来。)
There is a little water left in the bottle. (瓶子里还剩一点水。)
I need a little help with this project. (我需要一点点帮助来完成这个项目。)
5. 注意事项
在表示否定时,"few" 和 "little" 表示“没有”或“几乎没有”。例如:
Few people came to the party. (几乎没有人来参加派对。)
There is little food left. (几乎没有剩菜了。)
"a few" 和 "a little" 还可以与 "too" 或 "very" 等词连用,表达更强的语气。例如:
Too few people understand the importance of this issue. (太少人理解这个问题的重要性。)
There is very little time left to finish the project. (几乎没有时间完成这个项目了。)
6. 总结
总而言之,"a few" 和 "a little" 都是用来表示少量的词语,但它们分别用于可数名词和不可数名词,并且在强调程度上有细微差别。理解它们的用法,有助于我们更准确地表达自己的意思。
a little的例句
1、The company would benefit from a little pruning here and there.
2、You should save a little each week.
3、Try to put a little more expression into it!
4、You're going to have to give a little.
5、I'll be back in a little while.
a few的例句
1、Only a few of the voters;a bit more rest;a little excited.
2、There are only a few differences between this file and the matching entries in the original CSS file.
3、I made only a few small changes to the report.
4、A few kind words at the right time make all the difference.
5、Only with a few people could she be her real self.
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