cloudy是什么意思 与cloud有哪些不同




“cloudy”则是形容词,用来描述天气或事物的状态。它主要意为“多云的”,但也可以表示“浑浊的、不清澈的”或“含糊的、不明确的”。例如,在描述天气时,我们可以说“It's a cloudy day today”(今天是个多云的日子)。


1.Tonight will be cloudy.今天夜间多云。《牛津词典》

2.It's either cloudy or rainy.要么阴天要么下雨。

3.It will be cloudy later tomorrow.明天后半天将会多云。

4.It's cool and cloudy today.今天多云,天气凉爽。

5.It's cloudy this afternoon.今天下午多云。

6.Was it cloudy this morning?今天上午多云吗?

7.Sometimes it's so cold and cloudy!有时天气非常寒冷又多云!

8.It'll probably be cloudy tomorrow.明天可能是阴天。

9.The sky is turning cloudy.天空逐渐转阴。

10.It is a grey, cloudy sky.天空灰暗多云。

11.Life is sunny and cloudy.人生有晴又有阴。

12.It's cloudy in Singapore.新加坡多云。

13.I wish it weren't cloudy.我希望不是阴天。

14.It was cloudy yesterday.昨天是阴天。

15.Let's go out to play on a cloudy day.我们阴天出去玩吧。

16.It's cloudy these days.这些天都是阴天。

17.It's cloudy and windy.多云且有风的。

18.I like the cloudy day.我喜欢阴天。

19.This Tuesday is cloudy and rainy again.这个星期二又多云又下雨。

20.It's wet and cloudy.天气潮湿阴沉。


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