元宵节用英文来说是:The Lantern Festival。元宵节是中国与汉字文化圈地区以及海外华人的传统节日之一。元宵节主要有赏花灯、吃汤圆、猜灯谜、放烟花等一系列传统民俗活动。
元宵节用英文来说是:The Lantern Festival
农历:Lunar calendar:
正月十五:The fifteenth day of the first lunar month
guess the riddle 猜灯谜
play the dragon latern 耍龙灯
lion dance 舞狮子
a land boat dance 划旱船
stilt walk 踩高跷
yangko 扭秧歌
enjoy the beautiful laterns 赏花灯
set off fire works 放烟花
play couples game 对对联
have tangyuan/yuanxiao 吃汤圆/元宵
the Lantern Festival 元宵节
rice glue ball 元宵
Lantern Festival, also known as Yuanxiao Festival, falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month in China. It marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations. People celebrate the festival by eating sweet glutinous rice balls, enjoying colorful lanterns, and solving lantern riddles. The lanterns are usually shaped like animals, flowers, and other figures with a strong cultural significance. The festival also includes dragon and lion dances, fireworks, and performances of traditional Chinese arts. It is a time for family reunions and joyous celebrations.
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